Clumsy Ninja
As I write, it’s the final day of the summer holidays and the familiar but unpleasant feeling of having to go back to work tomorrow has arrived. It’s silly really as things won’t really be much different to the way they were six weeks but there’s a feeling of anxiety nonetheless. Damn you, brain!
It’s been longer than I intended since my last post, and that’s mainly because I’ve mostly been working. I did 21 hours paid work last week (as well as driving to and from the various workplaces), which is quite a lot considering it was supposed to be my last week of holiday. As well as filling my time, it also means I didn’t do anything to inspire a decent blog post so you’re just getting this ramble instead.
One child at work described me as a “clumsy ninja” which I think is a hilarious and somehow apt description of me. Being dyspraxic I am certainly clumsy but I like to think I have some qualities of a ninja about me. I’m generally fairly quiet and ninjas are quiet so there’s definitely a link there somewhere.
One thing of interest I did since my last post was visit the Bournemouth Air Festival. I’ve been every year since it started in 2008, and by some miracle the terrible weather lifted in time for the various displays over the seafront to take place. Inevitably I took some photos:
The Red Arrows, stunning as always
One of the last flights of the last Vulcan bomber still flying in the world. It will never fly again after this summer.
Chinook Helicopter/Blades Display Team
Also, I found a dalek at the Air Festival. If there’s a dalek nearby, you can guarantee I will find it. It’s a special skill.
So yes, that’s it for summer. It has really gone by quickly and we’ve had the worst summer in terms of weather that I can ever remember. It’s been so bad that the rain has actually started dripping into my bedroom, meaning I have one empty corner and a load of stacks of books which were in said corner.
After the break from reality that is the summer holidays, it’s back to the miserable times for me. It seems unlikely I am going to enjoy my job any more than I already was and the longer I do it the more the thought of actually starting a proper career comes into my head. Since I made the decision that teaching wasn’t for me in May 2014, I’ve pretty much been stalling and I seriously need to get on with sorting my life out.
September is a time when a lot of people move on with their lives. People in the university year below me are starting their first year teaching, several people I know younger than me are starting university (one is even moving into my old house) and another of my old housemates has got engaged. More than ever, I feel like I’m stuck and can’t move into the real world. I am desperate to try and make it different by this time next year.
Well that’s all for now but fear not, I’ve got a steady stream of posts planned for the next month or so so watch this space.
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