Yes and No

You wouldn’t think watching tea time quiz shows would lead me to an idea for a blog post but nonetheless it has. There’s a show entitled ‘Two Tribes’ in which two teams compete at answering questions against each other. In each round the teams are decided by a yes or no statement. I figured that these sorts of questions can actually tell you quite a lot about someone- thus, I arrived at a blog post idea.
I have a tattoo– NO
I really, really don’t like tattoos, to the extreme that I would struggle to go out with a woman who has one. It’s difficult to really come up with a rational reason why- maybe it’s just the idea of permanently altering your body. I can just about accept a small token about someone you love but tattoos as art or just for the sake of them are not good things. It feels like an attempt at trying to express yourself without really knowing what you want to say.  In summary, there is no way I will ever have a tattoo.
 I believe in the afterlife– NO
Obviously this is largely determined by your religion but being an atheist as I am does not necessarily mean you don’t believe in an afterlife of some form. I think the concept of the afterlife is a comfort, something to take away the fear of non-existence. I believe that you simply cease to be. Your brain no longer works and therefore you as a person no longer exist. The vessel remains to be disposed of but the contents, the ‘soul’ just stops. I have always found it a difficult idea to accept, that one day I will no longer be here and won’t even by able to think “I am no longer here”. It’s vastly uncomfortable to think about.
I enjoy Shakespeare– YES
I suspect most people that dislike Shakespeare do so because of bad experiences at school. I think that any work that you have to study rather than simply enjoy puts you off and the chances are you have studied a fair bit of Shakespeare in your life, probably at a time when you simply weren’t capable of understanding the old-fashioned language. I have experiences much the same as this but have always managed to enjoy the plays themselves. They are good stories and can still be related to in the modern day. The tragedies are truly tragic and the comedies are genuinely quite funny. If a good storyteller tells a good story, you get something really wonderful. Othello is my favourite Shakespeare play, mainly because of how terrifying the character of Iago is.
I’m a nosy neighbour– YES
This is because I like to watch people, but if you have an opportunity to watch the same people lots of times it is even more fun. Pretty much as soon as something happens in our street I am the first in the household to know about it. Many of our neighbours seem obsessed with their cars. Two wash their car at least once a week, despite the fact that they look pretty clean. Then there’s the teenager next door who has recently got his first car, complete with enormous speaker system, whose friends and he treat it like a Ferrari when it’s just a hatchback. I also like to watch the dog walker who looks suspiciously like Chelsea football club manage Jose Mourinho who spends his whole time on the phone and seems to pretty much ignore his labrador.
I have a sweet tooth– YES
There can be little doubt about this. I am always amazed when someone does not have a sweet tooth and turns down cake or chocolate. Usually it’s me out of a group who has an extra piece of cake or whatever because I simply cannot turn away cake. It’s fortunate I have quite a large appetite but it is fairly common for me to eat more than I should probably have eaten and feel a bit sick because of it.
I’m a technophobe- NO
It really frustrates me when people complain about technology. For the most part it comes from an older generation than mine, people the age of my parents and grandparents. I’m not saying that all technology is wonderful, there are certainly problems in a world where technology is everywhere. But the vast majority of it has improved our lives and I think we should embrace it. There’s no excuse for not understanding technology, even if it wasn’t around when you were a child. There’s always the opportunity to learn how to use it and it’s something I will always take as I grow older and technology enhances even further.
I’m romantic-YES
I was less sure on this one because I’m single. But I know from past relationships that actually I am quite romantic. I’m pretty good at presents and coming up with special ideas for dates. Being romantic helps strengthen the relationship and makes you feel good about yourself. If only I had someone to be romantic for…
Well that was quite interesting, some really serious stuff and some really silly stuff too. It struck me that other bloggers might want to use this idea so I’ve put up a list of 50 statements on a special page, with a link-up. So feel free to steal this idea and use it to your heart’s content!


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