The Adventure of the Compartmentalisation
I've had a tough few weeks. Just when I thought I had finally got my shit together a new wave of self-doubt flooded over me like a tsunami. I wonder if I will ever reach a stage where I feel like I actually work like something resembling a normal human being. This week I saw Ad Astra , an excellent sci-fi film starring Brad Pitt. In it his character says "I've been trained to compartmentalize. It seems to me that's how I approach my life." For some reason this quote stuck with me. I'm about a million miles away from his astronaut whose heart rate never goes above 80 beats per minute and I certainly haven't been trained to compartmentalise but I have begun to realise that when I'm working at my best that's exactly what I do. To compartmentalise means to divide your life into discrete sections. With practically no thinking I can neatly divide myself into three categories. This is the perfect opportunity to use an image from 'The Numskulls...