All the Things

Today’s blog post is something of an experiment. I was sat here scratching my head, trying to pluck out an idea for a blog post. I had lots of bits of ideas but nothing that would fill a whole post. And then I thought, why don’t I write all the things!

Last week I went to see Marvel’s latest blockbuster, Guardians of the Galaxy. I love the current comics run but I was a little sceptical that it would work well as film. Fortunately, it did and was properly good fun. Any film that make a CGI talking racoon a proper character knows what it is doing. ccda449a59b99fb49d9b9970f01699aa
Guardians must have been about the seventh film I have seen at the cinema this year and all but one of those were by myself. There’s something of a social stigma to going alone to the cinema but it doesn’t make much sense. Going to the cinema is an activity where you sit down next to the people you are going with and then don’t talk to them for a few hours. I may as well not to talk to them without them there. Usually I like going alone as I can usually get a quiet showing where I can treat the cinema like I live there. It being the school holidays I was not in for this experience with Guardians which annoyed me. Actually being anywhere with lots of people annoys me.

My driving test is now officially booked. It’s not until the very end of October which seems ages away but at the same time is not long enough away. The thought of being tested is not a pleasant one. I find it extremely difficult to imagine passing the test, to me it seems so incredibly unlikely. The potential for things to go wrong is endless and recent experiences tell me that I really struggle when I being watched/tested. Even if I was a superb driver I fear I would mess up on the day and there’s no way I my driving can be described as anything vaguely close to ‘superb’. The money is now spent and my driving test is an unfortunate inevitability that I simply cannot avoid.

A new evil has found its way onto our social networks. Every now and then something new comes along and quite often I will happily give it a try. Not this time. This new evil is “Timehop”, an app which allows user to check out their photos from the past and repost them. I can sort of see some attraction in looking at photos from the past but it’s the sharing part I dislike. Why do I care what you were doing three years ago? I barely care what you are doing now and am only your Facebook friend because I wanted to check your relationship status when we met years ago! Chances are, either we were already friends and I probably saw the original post or I didn’t know you then and have no interest in what you were doing then. This really needs to stop. 
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Stop grinning you prehistoric bastard

The time is ticking away until I start my new job. I start in two weeks time! It suddenly became clear to me that I am not too keen to be starting. It’s difficult to be that excited by the prospect of full-time work- even if it was the best job in the world, I would still miss the flexibility of my student life. The other big concern is the lack of certainty about it all. I have very little idea what my day to day role will be and this is hugely unsettling. I like my life to be planned in great detail and the lack of detail in regards to the new job makes me very uncomfortable. Also there is the fact I have to get to know a whole group of people, which fills me with dread. I just want those awkward first few days over and done with.

Isn’t it funny how you read something and it connects so perfectly to you? I am reading No Name by Wilkie Collins at the moment (19th century literature for the win) when I discovered this quote:
“Did no other young man ever begin life with a false start? Plenty began in that way, and got over it, and did wonders afterwards.”
It is just perfect for my current situation. Trying to be a teacher was my false start and I am beginning to get over it. Now I just need to get on with doing wonders afterwards. Rarely do I get a feeling of inspiration but when I read this quote I really did. I am aspiring to do wonders.
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Wilkie Collins- he had an amazing beard!

I am super-excited about the fact that a new series of Doctor Who is about to start. Life always feels a bit better when there is new Who to watch. There’s always a little apprehension when a new Doctor makes his debut. I’m sure Peter Capaldi will be excellent but you can’t know for certain until you’ve seen the first episode!
New Doctor Who days are always very exciting, although it is frustrating to have to wait all day until the episode is actually on. The tension is unbearable.

Shortly after this post goes live, I expect the number of views to this blog to tick over 1000 which is very exciting. This blog has become very different from my old kaleidoscope of a blog and seems to have ended up with a fairly strong purpose. It still feels new to me and I’m working on trying to both blog regularly and keep a decent standard of posts. Thanks to all who have stopped by so far and extra thanks if you have ever taken the time to write a comment. Rest assured, there is plenty more to come as I continue to strive to become Dan 2.0…


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