The Adventure of the Bouncy Ball
In my last blog post, I wrote about trauma and a few days later I thought about one of the most traumatic moments of my childhood. I should point out that this tale isn't meant to be taken as a genuine trauma before I start recounting it. So let's travel back to the late 90s. I was maybe six or seven and was enjoying primary school and my prized possession was a bouncy ball- I've always been easy to please. As bouncy balls go, this was top of the range. The top half was clear and the bottom half was a translucent blue which represented the sea because embedded in the centre of this bouncy ball was a plastic dolphin. For a short period, this ball accompanied me everywhere. One day I had a day off school, presumably an INSET day, and so I had to accompany my Dad to pick up my younger brother from nursery. My Dad, very much in character, was talking for what felt like some time to another parent so as we waited my brother and I played on the long disabled ramp which led to t...