End of Year Musings
2015 is stumbling to an end. Another year been and gone. Time to look back at the year that’s been and ahead at the year to come because that’s sort of mandatory on a personal blog.
If I had to sum up 2015 in a word, the word would be “dull”. My life has never exactly been thrilling but 2015 was my first year spent entirely in employment. Day after day driving to work, running around after children and then driving home again. It’s the first year in quite a while that I’ve not had any sort of holiday, not even a few days away in the UK.
One thing I did achieve in 2015 was passing my driving test. It was something I should have achieved in 2014 but I finally succeeded in February. Now that I’ve been driving for the best part of a year I struggle to imagine how there was ever a time I couldn’t pass a driving test. It seems natural to me and I barely need to think about what I am doing. Driving has changed my life, although perhaps not as much as I might have imagined. I certainly don’t miss my commute on the bus and I like being able to make my own way to places but things aren’t really so different.
I suppose the other achievement was completing NaNoWriMo. I wrote a 50,000 word novel in November which I am still surprised about. It’s nice to have achieved a lifelong goal but doing this has given me the belief that I can actually do things. For once I set out to do something and achieved it with little difficulty. That’s been such a rare thing in my life in recent years that it really helped me gain confidence in myself.
2016 doesn’t look set to be much different. At least there is some potential for a holiday in the summer, something I’ve discussed. I still have no plans to move beyond my OK but not exactly fulfilling job. I had imagined I might do that in 2015 but at the moment it’s reasonably likely that I will still be doing in at the start of 2017. That’s not a particularly pleasing thought.
A lot of people set resolutions for the new year but I don’t tend to do that. I always have things I want to work on, aspects of my life I want to improve. My long-running main aim is to sort out my career. A distant dream if I managed to obtain a job with a decent salary would then be to move out. I’m getting to the point where I want to be out of my parent’s house once and for all. The more likely aim I will probably achieve is to finish editing my novel from NaNo and get it published, probably as an e-book.
I still haven’t made a final decision on this blog and my blogging future. I like blogging too much to give it up entirely. I’ve a few ideas for new blogs. I think I am going to create one to share my writing, short stories and other bits and pieces. That way I’d also have it as a way to promote my novel. This blog will probably remain but posts will be more occasional than they used to be, maybe once a month or so. I’ll update you here but please so follow me on Twitter and Instagram if you don’t already!
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