An Unfamiliar Feeling
It has been a couple of weeks since I last wrote, which was somewhat inevitable over the first few weeks of the academic year. It’s always challenging coming back to work after the summer break and the new class I’m working in is hard work. But actually, it’s good hard work.
Yes, readers of this blog are no doubt used to me complaining about feeling miserable and generally unhappy with the way my life has turned out. But that’s changed, for now at least. Am unfamiliar but warm, satisfactory feeling has suddenly appeared. I’m enjoying my teaching assistant job more than ever, with a lovely set of children and a strong staff team. It also helps that we’ve been fully-staffed and the staff team is not going to change, which is the total opposite of how things were last September. I still feel I should be earning more money but living with my parents means I don’t spend very much at all and after a year of earning I’ve already got a reasonable amount of money saved.
Having spent some time recently thinking about my dyspraxia (see here), I am more satisfied with who I am. Self-worth is another unfamiliar concept to me, but I rather like it. I’m also finally beginning to get over the period of my life which broke me, when after four years of training I realised teaching wasn’t for me. I hardly ever get a distressing flashback which puts me out of sorts all day and generally don’t worry about the past anymore. It’s a big step forward to me.
There is the slight concern that this feeling will dwindle quickly, but I see no reason why it should really. I’m considering once again delaying the time when I have to job-hunt and find something that I could actually support myself financially because there’s no hurry and I’m enjoying what I am doing. For now, at least, I am content.
In other news, Doctor Who is back and I am super excited. Davros returned in the series opener which was a thrilling episode with some huge moral dilemmas in it. It’s essentially the question of would you kill a child Hitler if you had the chance? There’s not really a right answer is there? Also, Missy and lots of daleks. Doctor Who at it’s very best and I can’t wait for the rest of the series.
To finish today’s post, here are some Autumn-y photos I’ve taken recently.
Signs of Autumn- Acorns/Spider’s Webs
A particularly stunning double rainbow
Christchurch Priory (could be titled ‘things I saw when I was early for the dentist)
And finally, this is me as if I was a Peanuts character. Good grief! You can ‘peanutize’ yourself here.
I shall be back later in the week with another Quarterly review but that’s it for today. See you soon!
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