Stop Me If I Sound Cynical...
This post was supposed to be one of the first things I wrote on this blog but it never ended up being written. I guess I just kept putting it off because I find it awkward to talk about. Although having said that, I find most things awkward to talk about so this isn’t really that special. In my experience, certainly in my circles, there are several categories people in their early twenties fall into when it comes to relationships. Category One: people who drift from one relationship to another. These people go through a never-ending shift of partners and friends of these people struggle to remember the name of their current partner. Occasionally even these people will forget the name of their current partner, leading to an argument and another break-up. These people are so used to the process of meeting people, starting to date them, being part of a couple and breaking-up that they can now get through the whole process extremely efficiently. People like this are very attractive, but...