The New Adventure
In which I start something new... I've been keeping this pretty quiet until now because I wanted to quietly get on with it: late last year I applied to do my teacher training. This week I had an interview and despite it not going particularly well I have been accepted. That's typical me in critiquing my performance in an interview despite very quickly being told I'd been accepted. I'll start the course in September and by this time next year will hopefully be within weeks of completing it. It's taken a long time to get here. For those that don't know, I studied primary education at university and was making good progress. Then I had a horrific final placement which was the most awful period in my life and it took me a good few years to deal with the trauma of that time. In hindsight, I was set up to fail. I'd never taught children that young before, it was an inner city school where ninety-five percent of the children had English as an additional language (E...