I have a strange relationship with Halloween. I actively participate in all the other "holidays" as Americans would call them but I've always found the notion of Halloween a bit odd. All Hallows Eve was first used as a phrase around 1556 and there's debate about where it came from. All Hallows Eve was certainly a Christian religious observance and still is in many places with services and the lighting of candles on the graves of the dead. Most people think Halloween traditions originated from Celtic harvest festivals, particularly the Gaelic Samhain, which probably had pagan roots. There is debate about whether modern Halloween is a combination of the two or was a Christian event which later had some old pagan ideas attached to it. Samhain marked the end of the summer and start of the winter with people believing that this was a liminal time when the boundary between this world and the Otherworld, where 'spirits' or 'fairies' could more easily c...