Negative Nancys
One of my favourite TV shows, Sherlock, has just finished airing it’s fantastic fourth series. I thought it was superb and lots of people enjoyed it too. But as ever the internet was full of people moaning about it. It’s odd how negative our world has become, especially on social media. Why do people feel the need to focus on the negatives and spend so much of their online life complaining about things? I find it a strange and miserable way of living. It’s all social media’s fault of course. Before Twitter, Facebook and co I think people were more positive about things. If you didn’t like something you might mention it at the time but only the few people you happened to be with would hear it. Social media really has a lot to answer for- immediate thoughts and unchecked news are ruining the world politically. I imagine a different state of affairs. What if everyone only talked about the stuff they liked? It would be better for them mentally and indeed everyone else. The good...