I Stand with Chelsea Cain
It’s been a tough week online for the comics industry. The brilliant comics writer Chelsea Cain was tweeting about her disappointment at the end of her Mockingbird series, canceled by Marvel. She shared an alternate cover for the final issue: Then the abuse came. This is Chelsea’s take on it: Overnight, I had lost thousands of followers. (I’d gone to bed with about 8500.) I had gained a thousand new followers. I had been tagged thousands of times. Comments were coming in, fast and furious, every second. I’d never seen anything like it. I saw a few of them – a lot of support, a lot of people yelling at one another – a lot of people mad at me for being too quick on the block button or too critical of comic book readers or being too feminist. A lot of them just seemed mad at women in general. I deactivated my account. I got up. I walked my dogs. You might not believe that in 2016 this sort of thing happens. It does. Here’re a completely real screenshot of just one pe...