The Adventure of the Vegetarian Conversion
In which I make a lifestyle change... Summer 2022. I walk past the local park, a slice of British recreation ground that currently looks like it is auditioning for the Australian Outback. Everywhere is dusty and brown rather than the vibrant green it should be at this time of year. I cross over the river and note that I've never seen it with so little water in. Every now and then there'd be a plume of smoke in the distance as another local heathland caught fire in the tinder dry conditions. This summer has been unlike any I've ever experienced. In the UK you expect it to be raining constantly but here at least we went over two months where no recordable rain fell. 2018 was one of the hottest summers ever and it's thought that the chances of the UK experiencing a summer as hot or even hotter than 2018 is now one in ten. Due to the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that's about thirty times more likely than it was before the industrial revolution. Some scena...