
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Adventure of the Clifftop Encounter

In which I meet a man on a cliff... (Admittedly Bournemouth does not look like this) It was a sunny June day and I was walking along Bournemouth's East Cliff. Suddenly a man appeared in front of me and asked if anyone had already stopped me. "No" I replied and inexplicably I still found myself stood there. I have a blanket policy of not stopping for people on the street. They usually want to sell you something or more often give money to charity and I am not going to part with my hard-earned money to some person who is interrupting my day.  For some reason I didn't immediately dismiss the man. Perhaps it was because he seemed genuinely friendly, perhaps I was in an unusually tolerant mood due to the sun or perhaps I'd already walked five miles and my oxygen level was depleted. I had stopped and despite myself I now was now committed to the conversation.  "Do you agree that the bible is the word of God?" asked the man. Ah. This man didn't want my mone...

The Adventure of the 30 Days Wild '22 (I)

In which I do one wild thing a day... The Wildlife Trusts run an event called  30 Days Wild  in June. The idea is to do one wild thing every day in the month and if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you may have seen that I am taking part this year. In this blog post I'm going to share what I did for the first fifteen days, going into a bit more detail about some things than I have done in my social media stories.  Day 1: I did a few jobs in my backyard, the most significant being building a new planter designed for climbing plants. Since I've moved in I've wanted to get some greenery on the large fence panel at the back of the yard and now I've finally got a new fence I've been able to do it. I'm on year two of my gradual mission to add some greenery and life to my small yard and have managed to add loads of flowers this year.  Day 2: I had arranged to visit my friend, her husband and their kids at a local country park. Before they arrived I spent some tim...