The Adventure of the Heinous Crime
In which I break the law... This is the story of the crime I committed that haunted me for many years. I think an important thing to note before I tell this story is that I was a stupid child. I may have been pretty successful when it came to the academic stuff but in every way that really mattered I was just naïve and stupid. When I was about eleven the family were driving somewhere and were involved in a very minor accident. Someone rear-ended our car at a pretty slow speed. I burst into tears and my parents thought that I'd been hurt but I was just worried that we were now stuck some fifteen miles from home with no way of returning. I couldn't work out that a car can still drive with minor damage and never considered that there were actually multiple ways we could have got home anyway, from buses to taxis to phoning someone up. As I say, I was stupid. This tale takes place a few years earlier even than that. I was maybe eight years old and was a member of the local Beavers ...