The Best of 2021
2021 is finally drawing to a close so it's time for my now traditional end of year post where I round up some of my favourtie bits of media from the last twelve months. TV I've been finding that I am actually watching less TV than ever now I am have complete control of what's on the box. The BBC have given us some great dramas this year- Line of Duty was as thrilling as ever and I felt the ending was apt and Vigil was a brilliantly tense if somewhat absurd submarine murder mystery. There was also Doctor Who: Flux , by far the best series of the show for some years with it's tense series-long story. It was Disney though who really captured my attention on the small screen with Marvel Studios branching into TV for the first time with exclusive shows for Disney+. There was The Falcon and the Winter Soldier which was a bit hit and miss but had some breath-taking moments, animated multiverse show What If? , and the superb WandaVision , Loki and Hawkeye. All three of the lat...