The Adventure of the Plant Passion
The summer holidays are underway after what felt like a very long academic year. It was hugely challenging in numerous ways from staff changes to the ever pesky pandemic. Despite this I have found this academic year hugely fulfilling, enjoying working in a team that have really gelled together well and seeing the incredible progress our students have made. I feel quite proud to say that other than two days where we all had to isolate, I managed to be at work every single day of the academic year, through two lockdowns. I'd like to think that this is the last academic year of covid-related chaos but with the way things are, it seems likely we will have a third. Even so, after a rest I am looking forward to what the next academic year will bring. I mentioned a short period of isolation- this happened a couple of weeks back when our class had to close and both staff and students had to isolate whilst we waited for the result of a PCR test. I'd actually been quite up for a period o...