The Adventure of the Pandemic Year
This week marks a year since the UK first went into lockdown and we really began to feel the effects of living through a pandemic so today I thought I'd reflect on this time. Back in late 2019 we heard reports of this new disease spreading in China. The media went a bit mad about it but we could all remember bird flu and swine flu and endless other viruses which led to hysteria among journalists but didn't affect our lives in any way. As 2020 dawned, it became apparent that Covid-19 would reach our shores and would kill people but the message we seemed to be given was that it was pretty much the same as regular flu and you'd be fine if you were young and healthy. Next thing we knew, the government were announcing that the country would shut down, we'd have to stay at home and could only leave for exercise once a day, and the world as we knew had changed. On the whole, I didn't mind the first lockdown. I'd been having a really stressful time at work and some tim...