The Adventure of the Over-Analysis

You can't really work in education and not get some exposure to children's TV. I'm always interested in it- for one thing I think it's really important to understand kids interests and using those interests has led me to teaching some of my best lessons. But beyond that, children's TV shows are strangely fascinating, especially when you start diving into their logic. Some kids TV shows intentionally reflect the real world. Balamory for example is basically a soap for young children with less murders than Eastenders and everyone wearing outfits which match the exterior of their house for some reason. Shows like Postman Pat and Fireman Sam reflect real world jobs. Pat's career appears to be going well and since my childhood he has been promoted from a neighbourhood postman to being in charge of special deliveries and has the use of a whole fleet of vehicles from a snowmobile to a helicopter. Every delivery seems to involve more drama than the average postal wo...