The Adventure of the Bucket List II
A few weeks ago I discussed the bucket list I created back when I was sixteen and recounted some of the items I have already ticked off. Today it's time to tell the story of the remaining things that I've managed to do in my life so far. In at number 24 is "sing to an audience", something which I long since ticked off though it stretches some definitions. 'Sing' can apparently be defined as 'make musical sounds with the voice' which is not exactly my forte. I've not got a musical bone in my body and it's not helped by the fact I've got quite a deep voice, meaning your average song is at least an octave higher than I can actually reach. 'Audience' is defined as "the assembled spectators" and a school assembly neatly fits that. I can't remember a great amount of the details of this one but somewhere around 2010 or 2011 I found myself stood in front of a school of primary children singing. I honestly can't recall w...