The Adventure of the Prototype Vlogger
In recent months, I've seen this blog bleed into the real world. Real life people have come up to me and commented on something I've written. I find it more than a little perplexing that people have any interest in my witterings. Don't get me wrong, I'm always happy to be given a compliment. Indeed, in the last week or so I've been complimented on all sorts of things. This is of course lovely but I never know how to respond to a compliment. I mean, obviously I should just say "thank you" yet somehow that rarely ends up happening and I end up just saying "yes". I worry this makes me come across as big-headed as if I think that said compliment is a given, when in actual fact I'm not saying thank you mainly because I'm so baffled by the concept of anyone thinking something that I'm doing is any good. If you are one of the complimenters, I apologise for my awkwardness and am profoundly grateful. It's not the first time my online l...