Books of 2018: Part Two
Earlier in the year I shared my favorite books that I'd read during the first four months of 2018. Well we are now approaching the end of August so it's time to share my favourite books from May to August! Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Brave New World is usually described as a dystopian novel but for me that's simplistic.Huxley gives us a near future world where through the use of genetic conditioning and what is essentially brainwashing, everyone is bred for their place in society and is perfectly happy to inhabit it. When they do occasionally start having emotions they take the side-effect free drug soma to stop them. Everyone compares this to George Orwell's 1984 though they are very different books. 1984 is about a government using technology to control its citizens for their own purposes. Whilst there's a similar idea here, the world controllers of Brave New World aren't really controlling the people to suppress them- they are doing it to make t...