I’ve had to tear myself away from watching Marvel’s Daredevil series to write this, which is not an easy thing to do given the quality of it. But I promised to blog at least once a week and so I really must get on and right something. Today I am discussing being an atheist because it’s a subject I have meant to tackle on this blog for some time and haven’t yet. Apparently this is the symbol for atheism. I was amused by how much it resembles the Starfleet Insignia from Star Trek Firstly, I feel I should first say that I fully respect religion. It’s great if you believe in something and I don’t think any less of people that do. I am not so keen when people try and drag me into their beliefs and dislike it when a religion says some people are not equal, like homosexuals or women, but on the whole I am happy for people to believe whatever they believe. I think there are some common misconceptions about atheists. One is perhaps that they hate religion. Perhaps in...