Today is a day of great historical importance. The 15th March 44BC is known as the “Ides of March” and saw Julius Caesar brutally murdered. Perhaps more significant is the 15th March 1992 when yours truly clumsily entered this world. The fact that I nearly strangled myself in the umbilical chord is probably a good metaphor for my life- trying really hard but ultimately failing without the input of someone else. 23 is an interesting age. It’s the first time I’ve truly felt like an adult. Society dictates the age of adulthood, 18 here in the UK. But for the vast majority of people that’s rubbish. I don’t think you can really call yourself an adult when you are a student. Essentially you are still at school but with an opportunity to make more irresponsible decisions because you no longer live with your parents. It varies for everyone, but I think true adulthood is when you are working full time and in theory could live completely independently. When you Google the number 23 you ...